Saturday, March 08, 2008

Will and Gaines have been busy fishing and "beaver trapping" the last couple days. Carl (owner of Camp Highlander) called Will last week and said he had a beaver problem again. A few years back Will had trapped two beavers for him that had been making their home under the slide in the pond. It must seem like a great place to build because it's happening again. So, Will and his little helper went out there and while they were there ended up spending the WHOLE dayfishing. Gaines had so much fun- he even held the worms and the fish in his hands (which is a really big deal bc typically Gaines doesn't like to touch anything questionable). We bought Gaines' little buddy Charlie a fishing pole for his b-day, so hopefully the two little guys can have some fun together this spring and summer reeling in some "big ones."

Here's Ana all bundled up to go outside with her big brother.
The Cromwell's came last weekend to see their new cousin...Molly was hillarious- you have to watch that girl EVERY SECOND:)
Tucker loved holding Ana
A girl in the youth group made this little hat for Ana
This is the sling my mom found at a craft show. It has come in VERY handy. Ana falls right asleep everytime I put her in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I know Shane wishes he had a place like that to take Gunnar fishing when he gets older!